Networking Event at Winterbourne House and Gardens, September 7th

On a fresh September evening the Society gathered at Winterbourne House and Gardens for our second networking event of the year. Thirty-two members and guests were present. Many I learned had travelled from far-flung corners of the Midlands, braving the risk of rain which thankfully stopped right before things kicked off.

We enjoyed drinks and canapes on the terrace with a welcome from our Chair part way through. The great joy of chatting to new people in such a relaxed setting was learning all the fascinating things folks have been up to. Learning what people are up to was great to hear as well, especially when there are opportunities to join up and help one and other.

Winterbourne’s Lee Hale gave an excellent tour of the gardens with a dazzling array of weird and wonderful plantlife. Becoming a member of the Gardens gives year-round entry and is a great way to support their work  A few explored the grand House and historic printing press afterwards too.

A pleasant evening all round then. We hope to run more of these during the year ahead.

Joe Gaytten